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Results 1 - 3 of about 3
Source language
English The President of IOC
The President may take any action or decision on behalf of the IOC when circumstances
prevent it from being taken by the Session or the IOC Executive Board. Such action or
decision must be submitted promptly for ratification by the competent organ.

Completed translations
Turkish IOC Başkanı
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English I search job of responsable of recruitement/...
I search job of responsable of recruitement/ recruitement consultant or psychologist of work, in human ressources department, in turc enterprise.
Hi,I want to send this text to a turc friend, to help me to fing job
You can write similar jobs if you now it, and write it between quotes please.
Thank you. :)

Completed translations
Turkish İş Arıyorum